App Store Tutorials

Publish a New App in The App Store

In this tutorial, you learn how to publish a new app in the App Store, you should read this tutorial. The tutorial is divided into several parts and you should tackle each part in the order presented below.

Part 1

  • Enroll in the iOS Developer Program
  • Sign in to the iOS Dev Center and iTunes Connect
  • Add Your Apple ID on Your Mac’s Keychains folder
  • Create two signing identities in Xcode
  • Create a Development Provisioning Profile in Xcode
  • Register a device with the Provisioning Portal
  • Run your app on the registered device
Part 2

  • Add App Icons in the Xcode project
  • Add Launch Images in the Xcode Project
  • Create an App Store Icon
  • Create App Store Screenshots
  • Create a support page for the app
  • Create a quickTime video of the app
  • Manually create an Explicit App ID
  • Manually create a Distribution Provisioning Profile
  • Download the Distribution Provisioning Profile in Xcode
  • Change the app’s Bundle Identifier in Xcode
  • Modify entries in the app’s Info.plist file
  • Check the General tab settings
  • Capture a screenshot on the iOS Simulator
Part 3

  • Create an iTunes Connect Record
  • Archive the app
  • Submit the archive to the App Store
Part 4

  • Apple rejected your iOS app, find out why in the Resolution Center
  • Apple approved your iOS app, set its availability date

Update an Existing App Store App

So you’ve added new features to an app that’s already in the App Store. Now you want to publish a new version in the App Store; well, this tutorial will guide you through the entire process. Here is a list of topics covered in the tutorial.

  • Update the iTunes Connect record
  • Update the app resources
  • Test your app on your physical iOS device
  • Archive the app
  • Validate and submit the archive to the App Store