Category: Swift App Development

In-App Purchase How To – Part 2

Today you will perform pre In-App Purchased tasks shown on this card. Before, you get started, I assume you read part 1 of the tutorial and you created a new branch called part2 from the master branch. Task 1 Since you’ll be implementing code in the Nifty-IAP application to enable the user to purchase Non-Consumable products within the […]

In-App Purchase How To – Part 1

A reader of the “theapplady” blog asked me to create a tutorial that explain the steps to implement In-App Purchase in an iOS application’s tableView rows. I responded sure, but it will take a while to whip up a tutorial and present it to you. The reason for this is because the process of implementing In-App Purchase in an […]

Customize a Text View

In this tutorial, you learn how to customize a textView as follows: ➤ Make the textview’s corners round ➤ Add a placeholder in the textView ➤ Draw horizontal lines in the textview, just like a notebook ➤ Draw a vertical line on the left side of the textView Before You Begin I created a starter project for […]

Text File Workshop: Find Text File

The text file operation, find text file, search the sandbox’s Documents folder for text file names that match a search term. If the operation found any results, the app put them in an array variable. At this point, you can do what ever you like with the array. For example, you can dump its elements in the console or a table […]