If you are a new visitor to our site, please read the Getting Started guide. Say you created a brand-new Xcode project using the Single View Application template. Now, you want to change the viewController external file names and internal reference to the viewController class. You’d have to use Xcode’s Refactor file menu as shown below. 1. Click the viewController.h […]
If you are a new visitor to our site, please read the Getting Started guide. Say you wanted to display a navigation bar on your app’s user interfaces. Well, you’d have to create and initialize a navigationController property in the AppDelegate then configure each user interface’s navigation bar. Navigation Controller A Navigation Controller is a special kind of container […]

This is the final workshop in the App Preferences Workshop series. You’ll design and code the Basic Prefs tab. It enable the user to view and update preferences you’ve set up in the setting bundle’s Root.plist file, within the application itself. Start by designing the SecondViewController’s view to look like what’s shown in the image […]

So far, you’ve used the bundle template to set up preferences for the workshop’s UserPreferences application. The user can access and update them via the system’s Settings application. Now, in this workshop you will add code in the AppDelegate files to set up the application’s data model, design the FirstViewController nib file’s user interface, and […]

This is the second workshop in the App Preferences Workshop series, you will learn how to add preferences in the Root.plist file. Preferences you add in the plist file are for demonstration purpose only. In a real-world application, preferences you add in the plist file will be tailored for the iOS application. Create The Login Info […]