Archiving and UnArchiving Your App Data

If you are a new visitor to our site, please read the Getting Started guide. In this workshop, you will learn how to use the NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver class to save and restore your application’s data in a binary file. You will also learn how to create a binary file in the application’s sandbox. iOS provides several mechanism for saving and […]

PickerView Workshop 3

This is the final workshop of the PickerView tutorial and in it you will learn how to display images and text in a single component of a PickerView control. Initial Setup Start by launching the PickerView application you’ve been working on. Add a third class file in the project. Provide these options for it. Modify the […]

PickerView Workshop 2

In last week’s workshop, you learned the basics of using the PickerView control. In this week’s workshop, you will learn how to do the follow: Display two components in the PickerView control. Populate one component of the PickerView control with text strings; the other with images. Display the item the user picked in a TextView […]